Well, Sunday's run/walk, while fun and pretty was apparently not the BEST idea I have ever had in terms of the fit test for insanity. Apparently my legs were PRETTY tired to say the least. However, I enjoyed the 5-4-3-2-1 run/walk that I completed and will definitely be doing it again!
Below are the results of the first and second fit tests. Latest results are bolded.
Switch kick: 69 64
Power squat: 42 32
Power knee (right): 60 85
Power jump: 20 20
Globe jump: 7 9
Suicide jump: 7 8
Pushup Jack: 8 13
Plank: 33 40
I never really got into a rhythm for the power squat which I think shows in the number. Biggest disappointment are the first two exercises. I feel like I should have at least stayed the same. I am most proud of the Pushup Jack number increasing. I have been doing them from my knees but you can't for this exercise. The increase of 5 seems huge to me!
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